Thank you for your interest in acupuncture.
It is my joy to help each person who comes to my office find greater ease and inspiration in their life. Symptoms such as anxiety, depression, stress, impaired digestion, reproductive troubles, acute and chronic pain, reduced mobility, impaired function and reduced motivation hinder out vitality. Each of these conditions can be positively affected with the support of Acupuncture, Acupressure, Ear point stimulation, Herb formulations, Nutritional counsel, Cupping, Guasha, Qi Gong and mindfulness.
In Chinese culture, the achievements of happiness, prosperity and longevity are seen as the attributes of a good life. Longevity (寿) is a traditional symbol for the birthday decoration of elder people. Quality and longevity of life are seen as more than the absence of disease and the years that we live. It is about ones environment, friends and family, knowledge, a life purpose. All aspects of our life contribute to making us healthy.
As we work together, I aspire to provide you with a healing experience that is personalized to meet your individual needs. Your treatments are designed in the appreciation that you are a unique individual and treating you rather than "the disease" is my promise. In the spirit of happiness, prosperity and longevity I will work with you to achieve your goals toward a more fulfilling life of optimal health and well-being.
Together in Health, Michelle G Blackwood
Clinic Location
24850 SE Stark Street #200 Gresham Oregon 97030